Welcome to
Bird City Maryland
The Bird City Maryland mission is to encourage all communities, including campuses, in Maryland to implement sound bird-conservation practices by offering public recognition to those that succeed in (a) enhancing the environment for birds and (b) educating the public about the interactions between birds and people and about the contributions birds make to a healthy community.
Our goal is to make communities healthier for birds and for people.
Bird City Maryland’s actions are organized in four categories:
Create, protect, and restore bird habitat
Address threats to birds
Engage people in birding and conservation
Encourage sustainable practices
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We are excited to report important advancements for Bird City Maryland. We have joined forces with a whole network of other bird city / bird town / bird friendly programs throughout the Americas (US, Mexico, Central and South America) to become part of the Bird City Network (BCN). The BCN is led by the American Bird Conservancy and Environment for the Americas and will work to coordinate and empower previously independent state-centric programs as one collaborative network.
Visit our new Bird City Maryland site at https://birdcity.org/maryland.
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Buy Shade Grown, Fair Trade, Organic coffee — save Migratory Birds
Buy Birds & Beans coffee using our promo code 55BCMD. You save 5% and Bird City Maryland gets a donation each year. Click here to start drinking the best coffee AND support Bird City Maryland!
Contact Bird City Maryland at coordinator@marylandbirds.org.