Maryland Bird Conservation Update - November 2020
You found a Bald Eagle nest? LET US KNOW!
The Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring Program currently has fewer than 25% of the estimated Bald Eagle nests in Maryland in our database. With leaves are off the trees it is a perfect time to find these nests! Help us document as many nests possible this winter - eagles should be starting to add to an existing nest or build a new one. Please report your nests to us on our Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring page. THANK YOU!
Help secure a future for Maryland's birds.
MBCP is a no-frills organization. 100% of your Giving Tuesday donation will go directly to the program area you select. MBCP and Maryland's birds thank you for your donation!
Christmas Bird Counts during COVID
The Christmas Bird Count seasons runs from December 14 to January 5. From the Audubon website: Please note that the COVID-19 pandemic will affect CBC participation. Pending local restrictions, many counts will be done under the COVID-19 guidelines sent to compilers, while others will likely be cancelled. Visit the map linked below for current information.
A map view of the circles expected to be included in the 121st CBC is available here. If you're interested in participating this season, check out the map to find a count near you; more circles will be added as they are approved. Green and yellow circles are open for new participants, and red circles are full. Check the MOS website or the Audubon CBC website for the latest news.
Bird mortality hits home. Bird-friendly glass can help.
When you think of bird collisions, you’re probably picturing high-rises in dense urban centers. But the truth is, humble houses cause more than a third of bird-to-glass collision in North America. Read more on the Walker Glass blog: Bird Mortality Hits Home
NOTE: MBCP does not endorse any specific glass manufacturer. This article represents one article from one manufacturer.
Species Profile: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Photo by Frode Jacobsen
The Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) is an approachable, gregarious winter migrant, a hit at feeders throughout Maryland during irruptive years. A denizen of northern forests, this tiny tree-clinger has expanded its range south and has become a regular breeder in Western Maryland. Due to a regular cyclical downturn in boreal forest cone crops, this fall and winter will continue to see high numbers in the Free State as the birds migrate south to find food.
In its breeding range from the higher Appalachian elevations to points west and north to Alaska, these nuthatches live and nest in mature conifers, such as spruce, fir, and hemlock. With its quiet nasal calls, it often shows little fear of humans, and may come very close to a person standing quietly by a feeder.
The birds forage by climbing up and down the trunk and branches of trees, sometimes catches flying insects in the air in summer. They will also cache food items in bark crevices. Indeed, these avian acrobats feed mainly on insects and spiders in summer and seeds in winter. Young are fed mostly insects and spiders.
Nests are typically an excavated cavity in rotten stub or snag, 5-40' above ground. Sticky pitch is smeared around the entrance to the nest hole to prevent other creatures from entering. Adults avoid getting stuck in the gooey mess by flying straight into hole. Females do most of work of the nest building.
We hope you enjoy this sociable, entertaining bird this winter.
Partner Profile: Jimbo & Jules
Jimbo & Jules is a sustainably-driven mind & body wellness business that harnesses the therapeutic power of plants to nurture, support, and heal. They create all-natural CBD products to soothe pain, relieve anxiety, and encourage restful sleep with the intention of helping people feel better so that they can reconnect with the Earth. Find out who they are in their introductory brochure.
Beyond their mission to help people, they created the Conscious Garden Project, which strives to restore biodiversity in urban and suburban areas by educating communities and planting native gardens. Every purchase contributes to this mission, and they give away free native wildflower seeds with every order. The Conscious Garden Project embodies the mission of Bird City Maryland and is proud to collaborate with Bird Cities to restore biodiversity and connect people in these communities with nature. They are also a member of the Maryland Birds & Business Alliance and are available to help anyone virtually, anywhere in the state!
Check out their 2-part blog on How To Save The Planet With Your Own Front Yard:
Jimbo & Jules just launched their holiday bundles, which may be a great option to give as a gift and support a local small business. You can learn more at their website:
MBCP and Bird City Maryland are proud to have Jimbo & Jules a partner.