Forest by Chesapeake Bay Program
Protect Your Local Forests
Help Maryland DNR map the location of invasive plants in parks and forests through Statewide Eyes, remove invasive plants from your own backyard, and organize your own invasive-removal event at your favorite park.
Help preserve forested land by supporting one of the many land trust organizations in Maryland, including;
The Nature Conservancy
The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy
Howard County Conservancy
Chesapeake Conservancy
The Maryland Environmental Trust
Lower Shore Land Trust
Scenic Rivers Land Trust
Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust
The Conservation Fund
The Trust for Public Lands
Conservancy for Charles County
Winterberry by Infineswag
Plant Native Plants
Modern day nurseries sell more exotic plants than natives. Unfortunately many of these exotics escape our backyards through dispersed seeds. As climate, fragmentation, and pests increasingly threaten forest health, it is critical reduce the impact invasive plants on our land. Planting natives is easy, and can help provide food and habitat for a larger number of birds.
Shade-grown coffee in Peru by Marshall Hedin
Buy Shade-grown Coffee
Wood Thrushes are also threatened in their wintering grounds by the decline of lowland tropical forest in Central America. Fortunately, shade-grown coffee farms help provides an alternative habitat. The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center certifies coffee brands as Bird-Friendly, so you can be certain your coffee farm provides bird habitat. Click here to buy Bird Friendly coffee and support MBCP!
Bird Strike Evidence by Bill Gracey
Reduce Bird-Window Collisions
A study by the American Bird Conservancy has shown Wood Thrush to be particularly susceptible to fatal window collisions. If your residence is causing bird strikes, there are many ways you can stop them.