Maryland Birds & Business Alliance
Look for this logo when birding in or visiting communities in Maryland.
The Maryland Bird Conservation Partnership’s Birds & Business Alliance is a partnership to promote local businesses who support conservation in action.
Together we are part of a growing community of those who foster tourism, conserving our most treasured natural resources, and who regularly engage with one another to promote the enjoyment and celebration of birds and their ecosystems.
Alliance member businesses receive a window decal identifying them as a business that supports bird conservation and sustainability efforts in their community. This is a visible symbol to tourists and those in your community that you support a sustainable community that is healthier for birds and people that live there. The Alliance includes Shopping & Services, Dining, Lodging, Hospitals & Pharmacies, and Area Points of Interest — ANY business that cares about birds, nature, and their community. Let everyone who visits and lives in your community that your business cares about Maryland’s birds!
Program Benefits
(Benefits are for 12 months)
Tax-deductible annual membership of $250 includes:
Listing on both the Maryland Bird Birds & Business Alliance website
Listing in the printed and online program of the annual Maryland Bird Conservation Symposium
Quarterly e-newsletter for Bird City Maryland
An occasional e-newsletter to alert you to conservation issues in the region and suggest ways your business can become involved
Listing on all World Migratory Bird Day marketing material for events in your town
Window decal identifying your business as a Birds and Business Alliance Member
Birds & Business Facebook page to connect with the membership to work together to promote upcoming events